Approved Products
There are very many USB-MIDI Devices. We are constantly looking to add to the list of USB-MIDI Devices which have been verified as working with MuMidi products.
There are still many USB-MIDI Devices that have not yet been tested. So far every device that is fully “class-compliant” that has been tested with MuMidi products has worked. If your USB-MIDI device does not require a custom driver to be installed on your computer then you can be confident that it will work with MuMidi products. Most that do use a custom driver will still work with MuMidi products.
We, or our customers, have confirmed that MuMidi products work flawlessly with the following USB devices.
Akai Advance 25
Akai Advance 49
Akai APC mini
Akai MAX25
Akai MAX49
Akai MPD18
Akai MPD218
Akai MPD226
Akai MPD232
Akai MPD24
Akai MPD26
Akai MPD32
Akai MPK mini
Akai MPK225
Akai MPK249
Akai MPK25
Akai MPK261
Akai MPK49
Akai MPK61
Arturia Drumbrute
Arturia Keylab 49
Arturia Keystep
Buchla 225h MIDI interface
Haken ContinuuMini
Korg micro key
Korg nano key
m-audio code 25
m-audio keystation 49
m-audio keystation 88
m-audio oxygen25
m-audio oxygen49
m-audio trigger-finger pro
Modal CRAFTsynth
Moog Miniaur
Moog Slim Phatty
Nektar impact lx88
Nektar P6
Nektar Pacer
Nektar Panorama T4
Novation 25sl mkii
Novation bass station ii
Novation Circuit
Novation Circuit
Novation impulse 25
Novation launch control xl
Novation Peak
Roland A-01
Roland A-01
Roland a49
Roland jd-xi
Roland jp-08
Roland system-1
Roland system-1
Roland tr8
Roland vp03
Roland vp03
Studiologic sl88 grand
Waldorf pulse2
We are constantly extending this list.
Unapproved Products
We have found some USB-MIDI Devices that do not currently seem to work seamlessly with MuMidi products.
This may be because they require custom drivers and/or because they do not fully comply with the USB-MIDI specification. In some cases, it is possible that the test was not valid (i.e. the USB-MIDI Device was not in the correct mode when it was tested).
We are working to investigate each of these cases and would certainly appreciate any information that could be provided by existing MuMidi users.
Until these cases have been fully investigated, we would recommend that potential customers look at MuMidi HubMidi so that any products for which the USB is found to be incompatible can be connected via the serial 5-pin MIDI connections.
elektron analog4
Korg microkorg xl+
Korg Minilogue XD
Novation launchpad pro
Novation Mini Nova
Novation ultranova
Roland a-300 pro
Roland a-800 pro
Roland MX-1
Sequential Prophet 6