MuMidi HubMidi-S

MuMidi HubMidi-S is a “special order” variant of MuMidi HubMidi. It has a three-way switch to select between three internal routing options.
If the blue circle below represents MuMidi HubLink-S, the switch will select between the following routings:

“USB1” indicates the upper port on the MuMidi HubMidi-S. “USB2” indicates the lower port on the MuMidi HubMidi-S.
If one or more MIDI or USB cables are disconnected and/or USB1 and USB2 cables swapped, these three options can provide a large range of routings.
Common USB
When the switch is moved to the first position, the LED flashes off once to indicate the “Common USB” routing.
With the switch in this position, MuMidi HubMidi S behaves like MuMidi HubMidi, providing “Merge”, “Thru” “HubLink” and “USB MIDI Host” functions.
By removing cables and/or swapping over the cables on the USB1/USB2 ports, the following routings can be obtained.

Common MIDI
When the switch is moved to the second position, the LED flashes off twice to indicate the “Common MIDI” routing.
This allows one Serial MIDI Device to be connected to two USB-MIDI Devices.
This setting might be used to control two USB-MIDI Devices with one serial MIDI Devices or vice versa (control one serial MIDI Device with two USB-MIDI Devices).
By removing cables and/or swapping over the cables on the USB1/USB2 ports, the following routings can be obtained.

When the switch is moved to the third position, the LED flashes off three times to indicate the “One-Way” routing. It’s unlikely that all cables would be connected when using the One-Way setting, but it provides some valuable routings that cannot be obtained from the “Common USB” or “Common MIDI” settings.
One reason for providing the One-Way setting on MuMidi HubMidi-S is the same reason as why HubLink-S was created, i.e. to allow One-Way communication between two USB-MIDI Devices.
“Some sound modules generate MIDI messages when their controls are adjusted and some customers were concerned that two-way communication between their USB-MIDI Devices would mean that these messages would be sent back to their keyboard/controller, potentially changing its settings. By only supporting messages in one direction, this problem could be avoided.”

A unique feature of the “One-Way” setting on MuMidi HubMidi-S is the internal link between Serial MIDI In and Serial MIDI Out. This allows Merge and Thru capabilities when using one USB-MIDI Device and two Serial MIDI Devices (one connected to MIDI In and one connected to MIDI Out).